Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Meet Mark

This is Mark (doesn't he look silly?). Mark is Ceylonese-Eurasion. You must never forget the Eurasian when it comes to describing his ethnicity, otherwise he'll screw you up nicely. Kidding! But no, it is crucial that you musn't forget the Eurasian.

Mark thinks I should start a blog, because according to Mark, I seem like a very "blogger person" (What does a blogger person seem like anyway?). He has this misconception that because of my background in web designing, graphic design and my love for the computer, I'd be an interesting blogger. Little does he know, that I've actually ventured into the world of blogging, and I didn't last very long there, as you can tell from my posts, or lack thereof.

However, Mark and I made a deal, I will start blogging and he will help me take pictures. Lets hope this one lasts!

So here it is, Mark Peter, this is my little space in the world wide web. Lets hope I inspire at least one reader shall we? Or that at least one other person (excluding you) actually follows my blog consistently.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He looks really good looking, this Mark, is he charming? funny? id like to meet him :)

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